Announcement : 

Nau mai haere mai, welcome to Bairds Mainfreight Primary School.

Term 4 Week 5 2022 Panui

Bairds Mainfreight
School Newsletter
A great place to learn. A fun place to be!

Monday 14 November 2022

Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Malo e Lelei, Talofa Lava, Fakalofa Lahi Atu, Greetings

We are just about half way through term 4 already!  We are having an amazing term with lots of great learning and trips happening.  There is a wonderful sense of community and belonging at school and a sense of ‘norm’ after what has been a turbulent couple of years.  A highlight so far was definitely our athletics day.  It was great to have so many of our whanau and community join us to celebrate our tamariki. (There are lots of great photos of this day on our FB page).

Parent/Kaiako Catch-Ups

At school, all tamariki are doing assessments.  This information will be shared with you through our reporting app HERO. 

On Wednesday 30 November/Thursday 1 December BMPS invites you to our Parent/Kaiako Catch-Ups.  

This will be a time to discuss your child’s achievements this year and to discuss their goals for 2023.  

We ask that all parents and caregivers take the time to make an appointment to meet with your child/children’s teacher/s.  

To make an appointment go to:

Or scan:


If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please let the office know:

Using kiwischools app

Phone: 092748271


Important Dates

Below you will find dates for your diary.  A few important dates to note:

On Wednesday 30 November: BMPS will finish at 12:30pm as we have Parent/Kaiako Catch-Ups.

On Friday 2 December: BMPS is closed for a teacher only day.


Dates for the Diary

Please note the dates that school is closed or finishes early.

Friday 18 November: Otara inter-school athletics competition-CANCELLED

Tuesday 22-Friday 25 November: Tui/Kahu beach education trip

Thursday 24 November: BOT meeting: 6pm start

Wednesday 30 November: Parent/Teacher catch up meetings (BMPS finishes at 12:30pm)

Thursday 1 December: Parent/Teacher catch up meetings (BMPS finished at 2:45pm)

Friday 2 December: teacher only day (BMPS is closed)

Thursday 8 December: BMPS prize giving

Thursday 8 December: Year 6 graduation

Thursday 15 December: the final day of term 4.BMPS closes at 1:30pm.


Take care.


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